Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I was once envious...

Men Have very fragile egos. I am starting to learn that as time goes by. I did not know that some of them had such fragile egos! Well actually all men do, but some have embraced it and consider themselves to be submissive men. While others are not so, but they do not let on that they are very sensitive when it comes to aggressive women. I do not mind being a switch, but I do mind when I express myself and I get the silent treatment. If you are being an insensitive being then that is what I will refer to you as. OMG! I can not believe somethings men will get really pissy about! Oh well, I guess it goes to show that not all the time can men where the pantyhose without crying about how tight they are.

And to think at one point in my life I was once envious of the penis!!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Tonight I have to say that I am just coasting. I have things in my head that I do not know how to accomplish. I spent alot of time with my family and reflecting on my past. My brother came to my apt today with my dad's study bible, and I was overcome with emotion. I miss me dad. He is the only man that ever understood me. I love him and for the past 7yrs I have cried when I was alone. All I had was my memories, but now I have his bible. I will not ever let that go. Well, back to the normal grind tomorrow. Gotta hit the gym again, it has been awhile.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

So no need to cry over spoiled milk, when I can go and buy a new carton of milk. I am happy to say I am in the store shopping! LoL! My life is going to be full of ups and downs and I just came out of another down. However, I left the weight down below in the valley of my low. There are so many things in life to hold on to...I am choosing to hold on to my happiness. Kisses, and welcome to more of me! Unrestricted...the highs and lows of everything. Straight talk and hopefully straight responses from you or me...whoever ask the questions.
